Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Lazy Daisy

I am SO EXciTeD!
I have begun a new endeavor!

My Lazy Daisy is a new quilting company dedicated to bringing A.MAY.ZING quilting projects to the world!
It is in still it's infancy...
(catalogues were just printed and distributed this week)
and already has created a buzz in 
quilting circles nationwide!
If any of you have been to the Lazy Daisy Cottage in St. George, Utah... then you are already familiar with the star players...
Let me introduce.
Dana Brooks is the creative force behind the cottage.  She truly is one of the most creative people I have ever met.... I'd just like to say... creative genius!
She has teamed up with her business genius, sister... Diane Card to bring you...
I have organized a Quilting Bee in my area...
I am calling it... Itchin' to Stitch.
to get all sorts of women together to stitch... and create wonderful projects, memories, and friendships in the mean while.

Last Thursday night I held a kick off trunk show to preview and showcase the awesome projects that are available.  
My friends and neighbors went crazy!  

We had a great time... laughed quite a bit and scheduled to reconvene and create our projects.
Our Itchin' to Stitch QuIlTinG BeE is going to be held...
Wednesday... February 8th...6:00 to whenever
in Farmington, Utah!

 Anyone wanting to laugh, finish a project, or just have an amazing time is welcome to join us.
Email me for info...
If you don't live here... join the quilting craze and start your own quilting bee...
I would love to help you brain storm for your group! This is going to be big!