Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Just when I think you couldn't be any dumber.." go and do somthing like this and TOTALLY redeem yourself!"
- Harry from Dumb and Dumber
Here is a photo of my man, Meg, and my brand new HOG! This is the scooter that I won...yes you heard me right- WON! We were out shopping for a new car and they had a drawing to win this sweet ride... My man was laughing at me because I was hell bent on entering. It was destiny- for a few months later they called and told me I was the lucky winner! When I was 16 I had a convertible Cabriolet, but all I really wanted was a scooter. All my dreams have been fulfilled! When I told my family that I had won my brother kept calling my cell phone and leaving moped monologues from Dumb and Dumber on my voicemail. Wea re planning on going to Sturgis this next summer and for Father's day Caylor is getting a pair of leather chaps and a T-shirt that says "If you can read this... my Biotch fell off" I can wait to join the Hell's Angels and get a fire tattoo and a leather halter. This Bad-A bike is going to be a turning point in my life!


tiburon said...

That is rad! I can't believe that you won that! I can't even wina basted blog giveaway.

Fingers crossed that I get to see you in leather chaps!

Andrea W. said...

Um, are you serious? That is so cool first of all that you are the proud new owner of a beautiful scooter but also that you actually won a contest!!!

Collette said...

You are so lucky, just be careful I fell off one of those when I was 16. We thought we were so cool until we scraped all of the skin off of our hands!

Anonymous said...

Gotta Love it! Big Daddy looks pretty hot on the HOG! Look how tall Meg is!! You aren't such a loser after all!!! You won something!! I can just see you cruisin down to buy a diet coke on it. You may have to add a basket. Just don't ride in the winter and get snotcicles!! Oh, by the way, Shawn and I have plenty of leathers for you. Just give us a ring if you want them for Sturgis.

simply kris said...

I am sooooo jealous! Did you SEE my Mother's Day Wish List?!?!?!?!
Ok. I am starting to breathe again and I will turn my frown upside down and feel nothing but love and happiness at your good fortune.... yeah right! I'm going to throw a tantrum and scream like a 3 year old!!! "I WANT THAT!!!!! It's not fair!!!!" :)

The Patrona said...

Hollerback Sister! Let's not just get you some chaps, let's get you some in hot pink with rhinestones. I think a tramp stamp on your lower back would really complete the package. If you're afraid to get one of your one, ask Mindi for one. She knows right where to get them!

tbelle said...

No Way! Get out! You are my hero. Will you take me for a ride? I can picture us now helmets and
everything. ha ha

Mindi said...

oh. my. HELL. that could be the best photo of caylor, ever. i feel something coming on my blog tomorrow...

i forgot that you won that, who does that???

where is the frozen snot?

Holly H. said...

Oh Amy, that is so funny. I just mentioned Dumb and Dumber on my post too, but for a different reason. Ha Ha. I can't believe you won that! How awesome. Oh and my friends actually bought me the t-shirt... "I'm the biotch that fell off. Rude huh! lol

{Annie N.} said...

Are you kidding me! I didn't think people really one that stuff!