Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Sisters... What on Earth would I do without them? I have the cutest sisters in the whole world- Jody and Brandy! I am the oldest and Jody is 3 1/2 years younger and Brandy is 8 1/2 years younger... so growing up I fought with Jody and tended Brandy. Now... we are all such great friends. They live in the sun and only 3 houses apart...while I love in the snow- ALONE! They call me on speaker phone most mornings while they are on their daily "coke run". When I head south I love just hanging out. We all have quite strong needless to say there is never a dull moment! They have the cutest kids and families. I am so lucky to have such fabulous friends as sisters. I know that sounds so cheezy... but they really are the best!
I love the relationships sisters have...we can kindof disagree or say anything to each other, but if anyone else said ANYTHING we would rip their faces off. I love it! The greatest thing about our family is... not only do we have fun as sisters, but we have a sister-in- law that we love just as much. Mindy is a total babe and I love that we love her! It would be pretty scary marrying the youngest boy in a family of crazy girls, but she holds her own just fine! Sometimes I am sad that Meg only has brothers because she'll never have the sister relationship... I am not sad enough to provide a sister for her, but whatever.

Jody is such a good sport- her boys race quads and she is their #1 fan. She loads up the motorhome and travels to the outer-most reaches of the western United States for races. She is the best room mother, valentine box maker, project thinker in the whole world. Plus she has a killer bod...hate her! Just kidding- I am lucky to have her for my sis!

Brandy is a DOER! She doesn't sit still for long. Ambitious, hardworking, and on the go...that is good because her 2 year old keeps her hoppin'. She is so creative and talented! She is kind and patient and such a good mom- I want to be like her when I grow up!

Mindy is the kindest mom I know! She has brought so much to our family. We have often said that she was our sister...just had to find Brock first! She is tiny, and darling, and so much fun to have around. She is the first to offer to help and always a good time. We are so lucky we had Brock so we could get Mindy!

Kindof a goofy post... but I love my sisters!


kami @ said...

Yay for Sisters! I love them too, we are lucky to have sisters.

tiburon said...

What a sweet tribute! And what good looking families!

Andrea W. said...

So cute. What beautiful girls you all are! Amen to your sentiments sisters and sisters-in-law are the best.

tbelle said...

Amy~ I just got off the phone with you and seriously I think you are the cutest, funniest, hottest babe ever and I love you to pieces. This post about your sisters is so cute and so true, sisters are the best! You are all beautiful and amazing. By the way thanks for the good laugh today I needed it. I am thrilled about all the new vocabulary words I learned.
HA HA HA, Teisha

Mindi said...

sisters are what makes the world go round. i just hope that by now loni has forgiven me for the "i hope you die a virgin!" comment i screamed at her as she was getting into the car on a date....hmmm.

Anonymous said...

How freakin darling!!! Wow, Jody is dark headed! You three could be triplets! Brandy has a child? You are so dang photogenic. Just beautiful! I feel your hurt with Meg and Averee not having the "sisterly" bond! What a treat this blogging is. By the way, on a comment from you what did you mean by verification? I'm the idiot, not you!

The Patrona said...

Tornado Triplets or Texas Beauty Queen Trio? I can't decide.

missy said...

Love you sisters...
Great Cousins...
When is Viv going to do another "treats and travel"?

Collette said...

you guys all look so much alike! So cute, they are lucky to have you as a sister too!