Monday, August 4, 2008

Oh where...oh where has my Sunday gone?

Beware this is a post where I am trying to find myself... I am a series of contradiction... Deciding whether or not to be a hater or a lover!
Oh where oh where has my Sunday gone? It seems like this day has just flown by... almost at VAMPIRE speed! It is true... I bought a copy of "The Book" yesterday, waited until today to start it and wow... I am as of right now at 10:00 , I am on page 525...(and I did get dressed and ready and went to church, and cut out an apron, and wrangled my kids). This series makes me crazy! I love them while I am reading and then I mock myself AND all of you when I am finished. I am battling with what kind of fan I am... like I mentioned above and obvious from my reading today... I begin it and love love love it and can't put it down. After I am finished I wonder what hooked me and kept me? I don't even know if I want to see the movie, because it was shot so much better in my mind. Maybe it is because everyone and their 30 something cousin and sister is so engrossed with this. Am I trying to be a rebel? Am I an adult that would like it to be a little more adult ( although this one is offering me a little more of what I like). I have read a lot of the Anne Rice vampire books and loved them- so maybe I am into the macabre. Who knows? NOT ME! I am confused and torn between being a fan and a mocker..... Don't hate me if I turn to the dark side of mockery! I won't flaunt my views or march in an anti Twilight rally! Until then... the jury is out! But it need be stated that I am loving this one... We'll see! I have got to get back to reading!


Kristen said...

I took my 2 older girls to the Breaking Dawn parties Friday night and spent all day Sunday fighting Lauren for the book! I have about 200 pages left and didn't finish it last night because I didn't want to be done. Love the Edward!

tammy said...

I know the feeling. I've been trying to hold off reading it, even though I have it, just because I'm trying to show more self control than my friends who read it in one day. I didn't want to be part of the "I got it read before you did!" thing. I will probably cave today and start reading.

Collette said...

You are so with the "in" crowd with reading those dang books, and I thought you were a rebel and didn't go to church- now I feel guilty..

Holly H. said...

The way I look at it is... people are reading. That's a good thing. And, it's entertaining right? Don't be a hater.

Misty said...

Even if it's a book you love to hate, you have to admit, it keeps your attention. I am currently only on page 200. I have tried not to completely get lost in Edward & Bella land, but it's hard not to. You don't have to be a crazy young adult reader to love this saga.

Andrea W. said...

I'm sooooo with you, Amy. I could NOT put any of them down (can't decide whether or not to read this new one), but they kind of bugged me. I literally didn't sleep, eat or do anything but read them so obviously they are compelling. There are just some things that really bug me about them. So you can be a hater and a fan with me!

rachel said...

I love vampire and Stephen King books. The only thing that "bugs" me about the Twilight series is it is written pretty "simply". I read the first two books then started the third when a new stephen king book came out (Duma Key...soo great BTW). I put it down and had a hard time picking it back up after because King's writing was SO. MUCH. BETTER. I guess because Meyer was aiming at a younger audience. I do like the stories though, so I will read and mock like you :)

whitney said...

I totally agree! I feel the exact same way. My nerdy sisters went at midnight and got the books and cant put them down. I do have to admitt that I have read them all, I did like them, and Im sure ill read the next one cause I kind of have to now. but we'll see. so for now Im stuck on the fence with ya!

simply kris said...

i have not picked up my own copy yet.... hoping Kourt will finish hers before I give in...but I too have jumped aboard the vampiric coffin (my attempt to "Twilight" up the perverbial BandWagon) and do not see myself jumping off too soon. I really do love this series. You are not alone.

The Patrona said...

I will only be purchasing this IF the sales clerk asks for age appropriate identification(as in NC-17).

Shannon said...

I totally get what you mean!
I look at it this way though, it is a good, fun, easy, entertaining read, and that is all I expected of it, so yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Devri said...

Sorry you won't catch me reding them, I am a out cast an don't care a bit...

Devri said...

P.s. I just jumped over to Mindis blog, did I read it right? Are you changing the date or is that for something else?

Holly O. said...

SO? Are you done? Did you decide you like it? I liked it. I think you should like it too.

tiburon said...

All the cool kids are liking it. I am not a cool kid. I guess I am in the minority that freaking HATED it!!!