This post was totally stolen from my sister, Brandy...

She is the best... she was only 40 when I was born, so she really is young enough to be my mother! As Dennis the Menace so beautifully said, "She is the best old gal on the block!"
We love to get her to St. George... the photo above was taken at my sister's house and we were all having a wild party. Gotta love the Route 44 Diet Coke...the shades...the raft... and the cell phone. She is GLAM!
This Grandma is no stick in mud... We took her to Chico's and made her get a whole new spring/ summer wardrobe. Orange flip-flops included!
When we all went to Park City she stayed longer and had her quilting friends come up to party. BTW... Her quilting gals call themselves "The Ladies of the Evening"... scandalous? No... They quilt all night long!
18 months ago my Grandpa Garth died after years of fighting Parkinson's Disease. When we tease Con about dating or getting a boyfriend she quickly pipes up with, " THE only thing a man would want is a purse or a nurse... I have my own purse and I don't want to be their nurse...NOT INTERESTED!" She is a firey babe!
My kids are so lucky to have such young AND young at heart great grandma. Caylor loves her and she loves him right back. Sometimes if we are disagreeing about something he will teasingly tell me to call Connie to see what she has to say... He knows she will always pick his side.
Our family absolutely adores our Grandma Connie... I am going to join my sister, Brandy, in the dog house for posting this pic, but it IS PRICELESS!
She is priceless and we are all very lucky to have such an amazing grandma!
We Love you, Constantinople!
What a fun g-ma! That will be you in 50 years...totally glam and the coolest g-ma on the block!
"THE only thing a man would want is a purse or a nurse... I have my own purse and I don't want to be their nurse...NOT INTERESTED!" -- LOVE IT!!
You are lucky to have her.
LOVE the post! and I love constance
she IS the best!
Connie sounds very much like my own Grandma. That is the benefit of parents having children young, the kids have hip grandparents and parents!
What a spitfire, you are lucky to have her!
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