Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It is all about me...part 2!

The last two days I have really been searching for the "meaning of life"... I found it at Hobby Lobby, Justice for girls, Buckle, and Hip and Humble! Today is part 2 of my quest for selfish indulgence! I got my nails done, met Caylor's cousins and aunt for lunch ( so dang cute and such a fun time), returned some school clothes that didn't work, and stopped to get dinner supplies. Need less to say that I haven't been blogging! I apologize for my lack of comments on your blog and I will resume my blurking and blogging sometime in the future. I am foot loose and fancy free and so glad my cell phone isn't screaming at me and asking , " Mom, when are you going to be home?" I wasn't called mom once during the hours of 9-3:30 and ,I know I am going to get my "Mother of the Year" nominated ripped up , but I liked it! It was great!


tiburon said...

It is like we are the same person. For real. I need to do a little selfish indulgence!

Vanessa said...

I was beginning to wonder. . .I mean I HAVE to know what "Old Guy" you think is hot. (refer to my blog). It's ok to self indulge, we deserve it! I'm off to San Diego for 4 days. . .with NO kids!

Holly H. said...

Seriously you've got the life girl. I'm so bummed I missed your call. We definitely have to meet up SOON! :)

Anonymous said...

Self indulge away, you deserve it! It's kind of a nice treat not hearing Mom 1 thousand times an hour!

I hope you got my message! You make me smile...

tammy said...

Lucky you. I wasted away half my day at the eye doctor. Boy, that was fun and not really where I wanted to spend my money.

Collette said...

when will your party end? i love how you go all over town and find the cute stuff and then I just copy!

Mindi said...

now i need you to post what you got at buckle......did you get spendy jeans?? do tell.

yeah, i'm miffed at your lack of attention paid to me. get it together, spills.

Suzie said...

Blissful, sweet hours-9-3.

way to live it up.

Anonymous said...

Never a dull moment with you! I am sooooo glad you are taking advantage of ALL the kids being in school. Remember I used to warn you how wonderful it would be!! I'm sure you miss your bff Meg though!

Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

You think your self indulgent---my girls are with their Grandma in Idaho for a whole week!! Yes you read it right, the little ones that bring a thousand friends over everyday, trash my house then give me a million reasons why they can't clean up---their gone, vanished, out of site, out of mind!! Please no one turn me into social services, I do love my girls!!! So lets do lunch, pedicures, whatever our hearts desire!!

Love Tonia

Chanda said...

Who says money can't buy happiness?! I'm always in a good mood after a day like that! Rock on. (or shop on!)

AnneMarie said...

I seriously need a poster size picture of this!