Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cue the Lee Greenwood song... I rocked the vote!

Cue the Lee Greenwood song..." I am proud to be an American" because today I was a responsible citizen and VOTED! My man even voted early, due to another obligation today. As I was watching the Today Show this morning... I got a bit emotional as I watched Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and John McCain all cast their vote. It is an amazing thing! I am a History Major (AKA history NERD) and I have the utmost respect for all the people in our own history that have sacrificed and even died for the opportunity to vote- not to mention those people in other countries that would love to have a say in their government. I am proud to wear my little " I VOTED" sticker today. So... if you are reading this and haven't voted yet...DO IT! I am happy to be a part of history being made today... either way- Obama= first African American or Sarah Palin= first woman V.P. It is a win/win situation.


tiburon said...

I rocked the vote too - and I was downright giddy. I am with you! :)

Anonymous said...

I rocked the vote too! It's a great feeling of pride and in some cases...persuasion.

Anonymous said...

Go McCain/Palin!

Da Bergs said...

I rocked the vote too! It was funny... we are poll watchers this year... and as we headed to get in the car for a list of the 1st voters my hubby realized he had lost his "I voted" sticker. He had to go back in and look for it before he would go... yep, we are all PROUD voters today!!!

rachel said...

I feel the same way, I was a little verklempt on the way this morning...it felt especially monumentous!

Letti said...

I am so glad that I have the freedom to make a choice. I am so glad that I live in this country. I also voted today and I wear my sticker proudly!

tammy said...

Good girl. And wow, a history major? Who woulda thunk it.

Amy said...

I tell you... I am a MAJOR NERD! History major with a double minor... English ( but who cares about grammar rules) and biology. Dead frog anyone? Watch out...NERD ALERT!

Mindi said...

tears? you are killing me.

but i guess i can't mock as i got a little misty the other day in hsm3.

seriously. where's the prozac?

Devri said...

I did it too!! what a great feeling.

Too bad my heart breaks tonight..

I just think of all those little souls who will miss out because of a man who thinks it is ok to kill a baby.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

voting is a wonderful thing!! i at worked the polls yesterday and it was a very exciting thing.

Holly H. said...

I voted and today was quite inspiring I must say.