Thursday, January 22, 2009


Is this something to celebrate or what? I totally lucked out today and scored lunch with Kami! I had met her one other time, but have been a huge fan of her blog... her cute little kids... her magazine star quality, but most importantly...HER! We had a great time just laughing and chatting... She is so dang cute and such a sweet, fun person to talk to!
Blogging has allowed me to meet so many new friends... some I have met in real life and others that are really old ,weird men that are preying on the young, hot, innocent mothers that are longing for friendship and comments from Mindi -just in the computer or maybe just in my own mind. Whatever... I am glad I blog and I am glad to have met some amazing people...
Thanks Kami for the great lunch date... let's do it again!
p.s. did you notice my striking? Again... thanks to blogging friends to show me the cool things available in the blogosphere.
p.s.s if that doesn't make sense...sorry- I have taken a tylenol PM so I should be going to bed instead of trying to type.


Devri said...

You two look way cute..

Great striking.

tammy said...

I love how you've mastered that skill. I'm still waiting for the video to appear on your blog. Now I'm off to stalk, er, check Kami's blog out.

rachel said...

Aren't I so lucky to have married into that family :) Those girls are WAY fun to hang out with.. & I get to do just that this weekend, can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Now, that's a reason to celebrate! I ♥ Kami's blog and have become a big time stalker!

Your strike through skills are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I love how you get to meet all these friends!! Kami is too cute!

Mandi Shandi said...

Love the hat! You look cute as usual! I too feel so blessed to have made so many friends in the blogosphere.

Still loving the strike throughs too!

rychelle said...

taking your stalking to the next level is way fun! ;)

veronica said...

I've stalked Kami before..don't tell her. :)
I am so totally excited to do a meet and greet up north! Let's plan it soon! I know Kristina P. will be having one in February and I don't know if the January 28th one is a go or not. Haven't heard. (I don't know who planned it, do you?)

Vanessa said...

I love meeting blogging friends in real life! It's the best!

misty said...

that's cool that you actually got to meet a blogging friend. i'm hoping that dream will come true of mine... one day!!! ha

kami @ said...

It was such a fun lunch! you are too nice. We need to do it again. I heard that you told Mindi that I was 'normal'...HA! that cracks me up.

ps. I hate that picture of myself, you look darling as always.
pps. Next trick...I teach you how to make it so you can't click to enlarge. Can you say bad hair day?! I needed your hat.

tiburon said...

Ooooo LUCKY!!!

The Smith Family said...

Hi there! I found you through Mandi and am loving your blog!! I'm been wanting to know how to do the strike through thing for awhile. Is it something that is easy that you could explain to me?!?!?! the hat, so cute
