Thursday, February 26, 2009

I hope my will is in order!

Today is the day... the one I would rather sleep through... Today is the day I have to go get my teeth cleaned at the dentist. I would rather go to the OB-GYN, Toys-R-Us, a pet store,and the ARMY. I hate going to the dentist! I have a teeth cleaning, but it usually leads to more... I cry when I have fillings! I have some rotten teeth going on right now and I have actually had a tooth ache. Can anyone say ROOT CANAL? I think this stems from a childhood full of silver teeth. It was nothing to go to the dentist and have 5-6 cavities at a time. I am just sick about this. I probably won't take a xanex today, but one is guaranteed for the day I have to actually have my teeth drilled and filled. I am such a baby.
Think of me as you go about your happy day...
DYING in the Dentist's chair!


Devri said...

I haven't slept in a month because I scheduled mine for next month..

argh! I would rather give natural child birth 100 times taht go to the dentist!

Mandi Shandi said...

I feel your pain sister! I HATE going to the dentist too. No real reason. No traumatic stories, I just hate it!

queenbee4 said...

oohhh... I'll pray for you.

queenbee4 said...

I left you an award on my blog! come check it out!

Anonymous said...

The dentist is my worst nightmare too, can not stand it. Everything from the smell to the look of the tools. I don't envy you today!

Anonymous said...

You are not alone. I cried as I was getting my teeth CLEANED....The dentist actually kicked me and said I was a baby! :)

Vanessa said...

You and my Dillon would make a great pair. He has been talking about his next cleaning for 6 months. We are definitely getting a prescription for Valium because he kicks, screams and yells. I seriously have to lay on him and send them an apology after we leave.

Positively Creative! said...

I am SO glad I am NOT alone....whew...already had mine and good for 6 months...OH YEAH!!!

tammy said...

I have often said I'd rather go to the OB/GYN than the dentist - and I worked in the dental office for 10+ years! I feel for you. Ask for a lot of drugs.

And then share them with me.

Brandy said...

I freaking hate the dentist.(thats why I never go either) Ooh ya were related.

megan said...

I hope it wasn't too bad!! You can do it!! lol. Take care!

3boysohmy said...

Was the outcome as bad as you thought? I hate the dentist as well. Really, who does like the dentist!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have to go! As a dental assistant I see everyone that walks through the door look at the whole staff with dismay! Good luck!