Monday, August 9, 2010

My first Guest Blogging GIG!

I have been published!
I know it doesn't count on my own blog...
but how about someone else's?
Like this...
I was so excited when I got an email from the amazingly talented
Chris Nease, of Celebrations at Home, asking me to be a guest blogger on on her blog.
She wanted me to do a DIY-type post on the "SWAP TILL YOU DROP"
party I threw for Studio 5.
Let me tell you... it made my day! I look at her blog faithfully... everyday she has some amazing party featured. I have gleaned many an inspiration from this site! So... you can imagine how flattered and jazzed I was last Friday to be her guest blogger.
It was a fun experience.
I have got to get back to work thinking of something else I can guest blog about... maybe organization or laundry efficiency or food storage? Oh... that 's right I need a guest blogger to enlighten ME on those topics. I guess I can't win them all!


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I'm so impressed! Remember the little people when you get all famous and stuff!
I'm off to check out her site!

alpinekleins said...

So awesome! Congratulations!

Love your post;)
