Monday, December 29, 2008
The Clock is ticking...I am 38!

Posted by Amy at 9:00 AM 17 comments
Labels: Birthday...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Fa-la-la-la-la..la-la-la-love to decorate for the Holidays!
Well here are a few snaps of my Christmas decor this year. I have had my tree decorated since before Thanksgiving...but I just hate to take photos because my pictures always look so bad. New Years Resolution #1: Learn how to take better photos!

Here is another shot of my entry table. I just love using apothecary jars to decorate...especially during Christmas and winter. It is very important for me to have the entry way looking festive... it is sometimes the only part of the house people see...plus it is the first impression ( and an easy area to keep clean)

That was just a few of my decorations... maybe I will post more photos later of other areas. I have got two parties this weekend and I will show photos of them too. This really is the most wonderful time of the year!
p.s. If you are reading this... leave a comment. If you like my decorations..leave a comment. If you spit on my decorations leave a comment. I have been on a vacay from blogging so I need a few comments to motivate me back. Come on people... show me some holiday love!
Posted by Amy at 12:31 AM 26 comments
Labels: Christmas, Decorating
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Roll out the holly... Here are all my Christmas loves!

Here is a little Christmas tag that has been floating around the blogosphere... It was really fun- play along if you want...
Wrapping paper or gift bags? I love gift bags for birthdays and quick presents...but nothing says Christmas more than a beautifully wrapped presents that match the tree. Lots of ribbon... I like to say you can give a dumb gift if it wrapped great. I wrap a present like I own the ribbon mill...lots and lots of ribbon!
Real or Artificial tree? Growing up in St. George we had to hurry to unwrap the presents before all the needles were off the tree... and then out went the tree. I am a total artificial girl... plus who knows how to string 2500 lights anymore?
When do you put up the tree? The last 2 years it has been up the second week in November because we always go South for Thanksgiving and I want it in when I get home. This year it was the Thursday before Thanksgiving before it was up and decorated. Yeah. I know I am a slacker!
When do you take the tree down? When the kids go back to school and I can just un-decorate the house myself.
Do you like Eggnog? Yeah... I would really like it with a little something something in it...
Favorite gift received as a child? My playhouse when I was about 8. My parents kept telling me to go outside to get wood... I went out 4 times before I noticed the 2 story playhouse in my backyard. It was great! There were a lot of crazy times in that playhouse... now it is my parent's pool house.
Hardest person to buy for? My parents... What to buy someone that buys what they want and has everything... plus they don't want presents... LAME!
Easiest person to buy for? The kids... they are spoiled rotten!
Do you have a nativity scene? or three? Plus I have 3 wisemen that I LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Mail or email Christmas cards? For sure...MAILED! I love getting cards and pictures and especially the goofy little letters that brag up the family. I love Christmas mail!
Worst Christmas gift you ever received? My birthday is on the 29th of December and the Christmas I was turning 16 my sister said she new what I was getting... She wouldn't tell me, but she would give me hints... It is black, has four wheels, and doesn't have a top. My parents knew I wanted a black convertible Cabriolet... Jody had me knowing that was what I was getting. On Christmas morning my dad said... Amy, I think there is one more present outside in the driveway. I was so happy I ran right out...only to find a freaking black horse with a cow that is on 4 wheels shoved under it. My dad went to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas and got a little tipsy and spendy at Cowboy Christmas and thought since I am so allergic to horses it would be fun to get me one I could ride. A roller roper! It is a life size horse that you sit on and kick this lever and calf rolls out. The purpose is to practice your roping. I am not a roper! I cried ALOT that day... I know what a brat. Jody laughed her butt off! It wasn't funny!
Favorite Christmas Movie? Is there any other movie besides...CHRISTMAS VACATION?
When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? YES... enough said!
Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Treats!
Lights on the tree? Only about a million!
Favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night... if I could sing this is what it would be.
Travel at Christmas or stay home? Since my kids are big we stay home. Taking Santa's sleigh down south and then dragging it all back home was a bummer. Now we just go after Christmas and celebrate New Years with our family and friends.
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yeah... if I sing the song!
Angel on the tree top or a star? a big old blob of ribbon with flowers and things shooting out... that sounds yucky, but it looks good!
Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? same as the rest of the world... PJs Christmas Eve and the rest Christmas Day.
Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The craziness I make... not just enjoying the season.
Favorite ornament theme or color? Well... I usually love traditional red and green, but my tree is all gold and brown and copper...not so Christmasy. Meg's tree is red and gold and cheetah...so cute! Maybe next year I will go bright red and lime downstairs... who knows.
Favorite for Christmas dinner?The traditional... love the Christmas ribbon jello...but I am sometimes jello impaired and it never turns out...
What do you want for Christmas this year? Whatever it is ... I will probably buy it and Caylor will be so surprized when I open it and it is from him. He is so good to me... he gives me whatever I buy... I mean want.
Sorry this was so long... it was fun to do.
I tag anyone who wants to play along!
Posted by Amy at 9:00 AM 11 comments
Labels: Christmas Tag
Monday, December 1, 2008
Yeah... December is here!
He sees you when you're sleeping he knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good... so be good for goodness sake!
It is December! The most magical time of the year! I have taken a blogging vacation and I hope I still have a reader or two... I love Christmas and I love the whole holiday season. I found a quote that I loved... " Christmas is not a season.. it is a feeling" Yeah for traditions, snow (hopefully), giving, friends & family, and the whole feeling of Christmas!

It is December! The most magical time of the year! I have taken a blogging vacation and I hope I still have a reader or two... I love Christmas and I love the whole holiday season. I found a quote that I loved... " Christmas is not a season.. it is a feeling" Yeah for traditions, snow (hopefully), giving, friends & family, and the whole feeling of Christmas!
Posted by Amy at 3:24 PM 12 comments
Labels: Christmas
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